Friday, June 5, 2009

18 month Photos

What do you get when you take a rambunctious 18 month old to a photography studio? About 90 minutes of frustration, stress, bubbles, bribery, threats of being an only child, Mommy jumping up and down like a monkey, and a headache!! Oh, and about 5 cute pictures.
I recently took Parker to have his 18 month pictures taken. I know he's now officially 19 months, but I'm a little behind on my posts. I promise to step it up and post more often in the future.
Here are the fruits of our labor:

This was one of the first ones. It was cute, but all downhill from there....

This one is just funny! He looks so grown up to me, like this could be his yearbook photo.

In this one, he was refusing to look at the camera, but it comes across all sweet and angelic....

Here, he was laying on the floor, pretending to be a baby.

This was at the end of our photo shoot. He started running around behind the backdrop to play "Where's Parker??" Which is basically peek-a-boo. At this point, we called it a day.
I'm already looking back at this day and laughing. I love these pictures because he's wild and crazy right now, and we've captured it on film. Sometimes you just need a day or two to appreciate the amount of personality your little ones have.


  1. Megan- He is just precious! If you hadn't told us that the day was a bit "challenging," I would never know. He looks like a little angel in these pictures! Oh so much can hide behind those smiles!!

  2. Megan, these are such cute pics! What a handsome little man Parker is!
