Monday, March 15, 2010

Lil' Sluggers

We're alive!! So sorry for the lack of posts. We've been busy lately. But we're back and I'm hoping to get back in the swing of blogging! I've really missed it!
This spring we're trying out a baseball class called Lil' Sluggers. We've been 4-5 times so far. The first class was a bit of a disaster (we both left in tears....) but I thought we should try again. The past couple have been better. The biggest challenge, besides that the classroom only has 3 walls & P likes to escape to the arcade, is that Parker isn't all that in to baseball. Oh, well! It's a fun thing to do together and I love making memories with my little guy!!

Parker and Owen "sharing" the blue dot.

Parker, Coach & "Alligator hands." It's how they teach them to catch a ground ball.

Parker using his "Alligator Hands."
Running with a green ball...

Time for an Agua break!

And everyone's favorite time of class....STAMPS!!

Can you tell....

how much this guy...

loves him some stamps!!

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